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  • Yang LT, Guo JC, Zhang HB, Liu J, and Zhang DB. Qualitative and quantitative event-specific PCR detection methods for oxy-235 canola based on the 3' integration flanking sequence. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry ,  2008, 56,1804-1809.[full text]

  • Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Pan LW, and Zhang DB. International collaborative study for the endogenous reference gene, LAT52, used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified tomato. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 2008,56,  3438-3443.[full text]

  • Dong W, Yang LT, Shen KL, Kim BH, Kleter GA, Marvin HJP, Guo R, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB. GMDD, a database of GMO detection methods. BMC Bioinformatics,  2008,9, 260. [full text]

  • Yang LT, Liang WQ, Jiang LX, Li WQ, Cao W, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB, A novel universal real-time PCR system using the attached universal duplex probes for quantitative analysis of nucleic acids. BMC Molecular Biology, 2008,9,  54.[full text]

  • Zhang DS, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Lia N, Shi J, Wang J , Liu YM, Yu WJ, and Zhang DB. Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is critical for aliphatic metabolism and gene regulation during rice pollen development. Molecular Plant, 2008,  1,599-610.[full text]

  • Zhang HB, Yang LT, Guo JC, Jiang LX, and Zhang DB. Development of one novel multiple-target plasmid for duplex quantitative PCR analysis of roundup ready soybean. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry,  2008,56, 5514-5520. [full text]

  • Wu AB, Chen HD, Tang ZZ, and Zhang DB. Synthesis of Drosophila melanogaster acetylcholinesterase gene using yeast preferred codons and its expression in Pichia pastoris. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2008,175,  403-405. [full text]

  • Song SQ, Wu AB, Shi XZ, Li RX, Lin ZX, and Zhang DB. Development and application of molecularly imprinted polymers as solid-phase sorbents for erythromycin extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2008, 390, 2141-2150. [full text]

  • Qu GR, Wu AB, Shi XZ, Niu ZF, Xie W, and Zhang DB. Improvement on analyte extraction by molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres toward enrofloxacin. Analytical letters,  2008,41, 1443-1458.[full text]

  • Song SQ, Shi XZ, Li RX, Lin ZX, Wu AB*, and Zhang DB. Extraction of chlorpromazine with a new molecularly imprinted polymer from pig urine. Process Biochemistry,  2008,43, 1209-1214. [full text]

  • Chen HD, Zuo, XL, Tang ZZ, Wu AB, Song SP, and Zhang DB, Fan CH. An electrochemical sensor for pesticide assays based on carbon nanotube-enhanced acetycholinesterase activity. The analyst, 2008, 133, 1182-1186. [full text]

  • Yang LT, Guo JC, Zhang HB, Liu J, and Zhang DB*, Qualitative and quantitative event-specific PCR detection methods for oxy-235 canola based on the 3' integration flanking sequence, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 56(6) (2008),1804-1809.  [[fulltext]]

  • Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Pan LW, and Zhang DB*, International collaborative study for the endogenous reference gene, LAT52, used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified tomato, Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry , 56(10) (2008), 3438-3443. [[fulltext]]

  • Dong W, Yang LT, Shen KL, Kim BH, Kleter GA, Marvin HJP, Guo R, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB*, GMDD, a database of GMO detection methods, BMC Bioinformatics, 9 (2008), 260. [[fulltext]]

  • Yang LT, Liang WQ, Jiang LX, Li WQ, Cao W, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB*, A novel universal real-time PCR system using the attached universal duplex probes for quantitative analysis of nucleic acids,BMC Molecular Biology, 9 (2008), 54.  [[fulltext]]

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