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  • Yuan Z, Gao S, Xue DW, Luo D, Li LT, Ding SY, Yao X, Wilson ZA, Qian Q, and Zhang DB. RETARDED PALEA1 (REP1) controls palea development and floral zygomorphy in rice. Plant Physiology,  2009, 149,235-244.[full text]

  • Zhang DB, and Wilson ZA. Stamen specification and anther development in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin,  2009,54, 2342-2353.[full text]

  • Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB. From Arabidopsis to rice, pathways in pollen development. Journal of Experimental Botany,  2009,60, 1479-1492.[full text]

  • Zong J, Yao X, Yin JY, Zhang DB and Ma H. Evolution of the RNA dependent RNA polymeras  e (RdRP) genes, duplications and possible losses before and after the divergence of major eukaryotic groups. Gene, 2009, 447, 29-39.[full text]

  • Wang S, Li X, Yang LT, Shen KL, and Zhang DB. Development and in-house validation of a reference molecule pMIR604 for simplex and duplex event-specific identification and quantification of GM maize MIR604. European Food Research and Technology,  2009, 230,239-248. [full text]

  • Liu J, Guo JC, Zhang HB, Li N, Yang LT, and Zhang DB. Development and in-house validation of the event-specific polymerase chain reaction detection methods for genetically modified soybean MON89788 based on the cloned integration flanking sequence. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry,  2009,57, 10524-10530.[full text]

  • Li X, Yang LT, Zhang JZ, Wang S, Shen KL, Pan LW, and Zhang DB. Simplex and duplex PCR analysis of Herculex RW (59122) maize based on one reference molecule including separated fragments of 5’ integration site and endogenous gene. Journal of AOAC International, 2009,92,  1472-1483.[full text]

  • Zhang HB, Yang LT, Guo JC, Li XH, Feng YM, and Zhang DB. Simultaneous detection of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157,H7 in food samples using multiplex PCR method. Journal of Food Safety, 2009, 29, 348-363.[full text]

  • Guo JC, Yang LT, Liu X, Zhang HB, Qian BJ, and Zhang DB. Applicability of the Chymopapain gene used as endogenous reference gene for transgenic Huanong No,1 papaya detection. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry,  2009,57, 6502-6509.[full text]

  • Guo JC, Yang LT, Liu X, Guan XY, Jiang LX, and Zhang DB. Characterization of the exogenous insert and development of event-specific PCR detection methods for genetically modified Huanong No, 1 papaya. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry,  2009,57, 7205-7212.[full text]

  • Jiang LX, Yang LT, Zhang HB, Guo JC, Marco M, Van den EG, and Zhang DB. International collaborative study of the endogenous reference gene, Sucrose Phosphate Synthase (SPS), used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetically modified rice. Journal of Agriculture Food Chemistry,  2009,57,3525-3532.[full text]

  • Qu GR, Zheng SL, Liu YM, Xie W, Wu AB, and Zhang DB, Metal ion mediated synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers targeting tetracyclines in aqueous samples Journal of Chromatography B,  2009,877, 3187-3193.[full text]

  • Zheng SL, Song SQ, Huo L, Qu GR, Li RX, Wu AB, and Zhang DB. A newly combined method of molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction with ELISA for rapid detection of clenbuterol in animal tissue samples. Analytical Letters,  2009,42, 600-614.[full text]

  • Yang LT, Jiang LX, Shen KL, Guo JC, Rao J, Lee SH, and Zhang DB, Event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection methods for genetically modified cotton MON88913. Food Safety Quality & Detection Technology,  2009, 1,10-19.[full text]

  • Yuan Z, Gao S, Xue DW, Luo D, Li LT, Ding SY, Yao X, Wilson ZA, Qian Q, and Zhang DB*, RETARDED PALEA1 (REP1) controls palea development and floral zygomorphy in rice, Plant Physiology, 149(1) (2009), 235-244. [[fulltext]]

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