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学术报告——Jianping Hu
发表时间:2022-08-19 阅读次数:808次

Professor Jianping Hu

College of Natural Science

MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory


Title: Plant energy organelles: dynamics and role in stress response

Host: Professor Dabing Zhang

Time: 2022-08-31, 9:30 AM (Beijing zone)

Tencent link


Meeting ID: 364 957 024

Password: 797203


Molecular Mechanisms of Energy Organelle Dynamics and Interorganellar Interaction and Communication.

In eukaryotic cells, biochemical reactions are compartmentalized in specific subcellular organelles. Plant mitochondria, peroxisomes, and chloroplasts are essential organelles in development and coordinate in a number of metabolic pathways required for energy capture, conversion, and metabolism. The Hu laboratory is interested in understanding molecular mechanisms underlying the dynamic behavior of peroxisomes and mitochondria and the role of these organelles in regulating photosynthesis and in plant interaction with the environment. The Hu lab also collaborates with other labs in the PRL and on campus to study the impact of peroxisomal metabolism on photosynthesis, and the role of photorespiration in stress response.

The research has agricultural and economical relevance, as knowledge gained may provide molecular bases for developing strategies for rational engineering of crop plants to improve metabolism, bioenergy production, and defense against environmental stresses. Our research may also provide useful information to biomedical studies in curing human peroxisomal and mitochondrial diseases.

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