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Wanqi Liang
发表时间:2013-05-02 阅读次数:1777次



NAME: Wanqi Liang

Title: Professor

Email: wql421@sjtu.edu.cn

Website: zhanglab.sjtu.edu.cn

Phone: 34205073



2006.04, Ph.D. degree in Genetics, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

1998.06, M.Sc. degree in Genetics, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China

1995.06, Bachelor of Plant Physiology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China


Working Experiences

2012.01-present Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, SJTU

2006.08-2011.12 Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, SJTU

2005.08-2006.07 Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, SJTU

2000.06-2005.07 Assistant Research scientist, Agri-Tech Center of Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences

1998.07-2000.05 Junior Research scientist, Agri-Tech Center of Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences



Chenguang Scholar of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2008)



1) Rice reproductive development: Rice is one of the most important staple food crops. Given that a successful reproductive development is essential for the crop productivity, it is of great importance to understand mechanisms underlying rice reproductive organ development. Our research focuses on the identification and characterization of key genes involved in anther and pollen development by genetic, molecular, biochemical and cell biology approaches.

2) Epigenetic regulation of plant development: the regulatory mechanism governing the expression of plant microRNAs; the epigenetic regulation of plant development.



1) Li W, Cui X, Meng ZL, Huang X, Xie Q, Wu H, Jin HL, Zhang DB, Liang WQ* (corresponding author) (2012). Transcriptional regulation of Arabidopsis MIR168a and ARGONAUTE1 homeostasis in ABA and abiotic stress responses. Plant Physiology, 158:1279-92.

2) Li HF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Hu Y, Zhu L, Yin CS, Kater MM and Zhang DB (2011). Rice MADS6 interacts with the floral homeotic genes SUPERWOMAN1, MADS3, MADS58, MADS13 and DROOPING LEAF in specifying floral organ identities and meristem fate. The Plant Cell, 23: 2536-52.

3) Shi J, Tan HX, Yu XH, Liu Y, Liang WQ, Ranathunge K, Franke RB, Schreiber L, Wang Y, Kai G, Shanklin J, Ma H, Zhang DB (2011). Defective pollen wall is required for anther and microspore development in rice and encodes a Fatty acyl carrier protein reductase. The Plant Cell, 23: 2225-46.

4) Li HF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Zhu L, and Zhang DB (2011). Genetic interaction of OsMADS3, DROOPING LEAF and OsMADS13 in specifying rice floral organs identities and meristem determinacy. Plant Physiology, 156:263-274.

5) Hu LF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Cui X, Zong J, Wang X, Hu JP and Zhang DB (2011). Rice MADS3 regulates ROS homeostasis during late anther development. The Plant Cell, 23: 515-533.

6) Li H, Yuan Z, Vizcay-Barrena G, Yang CY, Liang WQ, Zong J, Wilson Z, Zhang DB (2011). PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL 1 (PTC1) encodes a PHD-finger protein that is required for tapetal cell death and pollen development in rice. Plant Physiology, 156: 615-630.


7) Zhang H, Liang WQ(co-first author), Yuan XJ, Luo X, Jiang N, Ma H and Zhang DB (2010). Carbon Starved Anther (CSA) encode a MYB domain protein regulates sugar partitioning required for rice pollen development. The Plant Cell, 22:672-689.

8) Li HF, Liang WQ (co-first author), Jia RD, Yin CS, Zong J, Kong HZ, Zhang DB (2010). The AGL6-like gene OsMADS6 regulates floral organ and meristem identities in rice. Cell Research. 20:299-313.

9) Gao XC, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin CS, Ji SM, Wang HM, Su X, Guo CC, Kong HZ, Xue HW, Zhang DB (2010). The SEPALLATA-like gene OsMADS34 is required for rice inflorescence and spikelet. Plant Physiology, 153: 728-740.

10) Zhang DS, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yin C, Zong J, Gu F, and Zhang DB. OsC6, encoding a lipid transfer protein (LTP), is required for postmeiotic anther development in rice (2010). Plant Physiology, 154(1), 149-162.

11) Shen HF, Qian BJ, Chen WW, Liu ZH, Yang LT, Zhang DB and Liang WQ* (corresponding author) (2010). Immunogenicity of recombinant F4 (K88) fimbrial adhesin FaeG expressed in tobacco chloroplast. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, 42(8): 558-567.

12) Xu J, Yang CY, Yuan Z, Zhang DS, Gondwe MY, Ding ZW, Liang WQ, Zhang DB, and Wilson ZA (2010). Regulatory network of ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) required for postmeiotic male reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell, 22(1): 91-107.

13) Li H, Pinot F, Sauveplane V, Werck-Reichhart D, Diehl P, Schreiber L, Franke R, Zhang P, Chen L, Gao YW, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB. CYP704B2 catalyzing the ω-hydroxylation of fatty acids is required for anther cutin biosynthesis and pollen exine formation in rice (2010). The Plant Cell, 22(1): 173-190.

14) Hu LF, Tan HX, Liang WQ, and Zhang DB. The Post-meiotic Deficicent Anther1 (PDA1) gene is required for post-meiotic anther development in rice (2010). Journal Genetics Genomics, 37(1): 1-10.

15) Liu ZH, Bao WJ, Liang WQ, Yin JY, and Zhang DB. Identification of gamyb-4 and analysis of the regulatory role of GAMYB in rice anther development (2010). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52(7): 670-678.

16) Zhang DS, Liang WQ (co-first author), Yuan Z, Lia N, Shi J, Wang J , Liu YM, Yu WJ, and Zhang DB (2008). Tapetum Degeneration Retardation is critical for aliphatic metabolism and gene regulation during rice pollen development. Molecular Plant, 1(4): 599-610.

17) Yang LT, Liang WQ, Jiang LX, Li WQ, Cao W, Wilson ZA, and Zhang DB (2008). A novel universal real-time PCR system using the attached universal duplex probes for quantitative analysis of nucleic acids. BMC Molecular Biology, 9: 54.

18) Li N, Zhang DS, Liu HS, Yin CS, Li XX, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu B, Chu HW, Wang J, Wen TQ, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, and Zhang DB (2006). The rice Tapetum Degeneration Retardation gene is required for tapetum degradation and anther development. The Plant Cell, 18(11): 2999-3014.

19) Huang YH, Liang WQ, Pan AH, Zhou ZA, Wang Q, Huang C, Chen JX, and Zhang DB (2006). Protective immune response of bacterially-derived recombinant FaeG in piglets. J Microbiol, 44(5): 548-55.

20) Huang WH, Pi LM, Liang WQ (co-first author), Xu B, Wang H, Cai R, Huang H (2006). The proteolytic function of the Arabidopsis 26S proteasome is required for specifying leaf adaxial identity. The Plant Cell, 18(10): 2479-92.

21) Chu HW, Qian Q, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Tan HX, Yao X, Yuan Z, Yang J, Huang H, Luo D, Ma H, and Zhang DB (2006). The FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER4 gene encoding a putative ortholog of Arabidopsis CLAVATA3 regulates apical meristem size in rice. Plant Physiology, 142(3): 1039-1052.

22) Li XX, Duan XP, Jiang HX, Sun YJ, Tang YP, Yuan Z, Guo JK, Liang WQ, Chen L, Wang J, Ma H, Yin JY, and Zhang DB (2006). Genome-wide analysis of basic/helix-loop-helix transcription factor family in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 141(4): 1167-1184.

23) Jiang DH, Yin CS, Yu AP, Zhou XF, Liang WQ, Yuan Z, Xu Y, Yu QB, Wen TQ, and Zhang DB (2006). Duplication and expression analysis of multicopy miRNA gene family members in Arabidopsis and rice. Cell Research, 16(5): 507-518.

24) Liang WQ, Huang YH, Yang XH, Zhou ZA, Pan AH, Qian BJ, Huang C, Chen JX, Zhang DB (2006). Oral immunization of mice with plant derived fimbrial adhesin FaeG induces systemic and mucosal K88 ad enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli specific immune responses. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, 46: 393-399.

25) Huang YH, Liang WQ (co-first author), Wang YJ, Zhou ZA, Pan AH, Yang XH, Huang C, Chen JX, and Zhang DB (2005). Immunogenicity of the epitope of the foot and mouth disease virus fused with a hepatitis B core protein as expressed in transgenic tobacco. Viral Immunology, 18(4): 668-677.

26) Huang YH, Liang WQ, Pan AH, Zhou ZA,Cheng H, Chen JX, Zhang DB (2003). Production of FaeG, the Major Subunit of K88 Fimbriae in Transgenic Tobacco Plants and Its Immunogenicity in Mice. Infection and Immunity, 71(9): 5436-5439.

27) Tan XP, Liang WQ, Liu CJ, Luo P, Heinstein P, Chen XY (2000). Expression pattern of (+)-delta-cadinene synthase genes and biosynthesis of sesquiterpene aldehydes in plants of Gossypium arboretum L. Planta, 210(4): 644-51.

28) Liang WQ, Tan XP, Chen XY, Hashimoto T, Yamada Y, Heinstein P (2000). Isolation of a (+)-delta-cadinene synthase gene CAD1-A and analysis of its expression pattern in seedlings of Gossypium arboretum L. Sci China C Life Sci. 43(3): 245-53.



To reveal the regulatory mechanism underlying male reproductive organ development and function, we isolated 140 male sterile lines from our rice mutant library. By map-based cloning strategy, we have identified 23 key genes involved in rice anther and pollen development, including several key regulators such as OsMADS3 and CSA (Carbon Starved Anther).

The rice floral homeotic C-class gene, OsMADS3, was previously shown to be required for stamen identity determination during early flower development. We revealed the unknown role for OsMADS3 in regulating late anther development and pollen formation. A newly identified OsMADS3 mutant allele, mads3-4, displays complete male sterility and oxidative stress-related phenotypes during late anther development. Our analysis suggests that OsMADS3 is a key transcriptional regulator that functions in rice male reproductive development, at least in part, by modulating ROS levels through MT-1-4b, which encodes a type 1 small Cys-rich and metal binding protein that is required for ROS scavenging. We also demonstrated that CSA, encoding a R2R3 MYB transcription factor, is a key regulator for sugar partitioning in rice during male reproductive development. This study establishes a molecular model system for further elucidation of the genetic control of carbon partitioning in plants.

More rice male sterile mutants are under investigation. We try to clarify the regulatory networks that control anther and pollen development. These resources and a better understanding of the molecular mechanism of male reproduction provide basis for the monitoring and manipulation of plant fertility for crop production.

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